Info about the house

Key points of the project

Our goal is to move to a new level of living conditions, which will allow a person to acquire the safe and long-term dwelling. Which will be possible to easily re-inherit, install on absolutely any purposeful land.

  • 1. No foundation required

    Foundation - an underground supporting structure of a building, the task of which is to distribute the load on the soil caused by the building's own weight and the forces acting on the building (payload, wind load, snow load, etc.). The foundation and its base must ensure the stability of the building in the geological, hydrogeological and climatic conditions of the construction site. Although the foundation is not visible to the eyes, it is the most important part of the building, the quality of which determines the service life of other structures and resistance to deformation.

    1. No foundation required

    1.1 Given the meaning of the term “foundation”, it is not necessary in the traditional sense.

    1.2 However, the building itself has a concrete load-bearing base, which ensures the durability and stability of the structure. Load-bearing base or foundation?

    1.3 The load-bearing base of concrete elements can be assembled and disassembled without the use of special equipment or tools.

    1.4 The load-bearing base is not attached to the ground, which makes it possible to transport the concrete mini house as an assembly. The process of transportation can be viewed on YouTube. (Video)

    1.5 Tested for strength in real conditions (read the history of development and see the gallery...)

    1.6 When providing the solution without a foundation, the following conditions were taken into consideration:

    • When furnishing a home, placing items in different places and constantly moving around. The concentration of pressure in a particular corner / point of the house.
    • Ground wobble that is not directly visible but can occur.
    • Torsional load tolerance.
    • Soil subsidence under the mini house at one of the points.
    • Nothing grows into the house.
    • It should be possible to install the house about a meter above the ground, so that there is free ventilated space under the house that can be used.
    • Snow pressure in winter on the mini house.
    • The metal frame does not have direct contact with water.
    • Metal frame can be hot dip galvanized.

  • 2. Dimensions

    There are practically no restrictions on the dimensions of a concrete mini-house. The only specific circumstances should be noted:

    2.1 The degree of strength of reinforced concrete elements

    Considering the specifics of concrete elements and metal binders, it must be taken into account that the only limitation in terms of dimensions (except for legal requirements) is the height. It is impossible to build an endlessly high house. The maximum height of a concrete mini-house, considering standard concrete elements, is 5 meters. There are no restrictions on the expansion of the house. It is also noteworthy that the shape of the house does not have to be limited to the shape of a rhombus. The shape can be adjusted according to the customer’s needs.

    2.2 Legal requirements

    The peculiarity of our concept is that, in accordance with chapter 3 of the Building Code, a person can build a building for living without following the special subtleties of the law. It is always possible to build more in the future if the necessary preparations have been made. Since the building does not need a foundation, it can be installed as a temporary or small structure, with the permission of the municipality, for 5 years, and then extended if no changes have occurred during this time (see paragraph 8). To rise a building up to 20 m2, you do not even need to apply for this simple permit from the municipality.

    2.3 Financial opportunities

    The peculiarity of the concept is that a building intended for living can be risen without spending a lot of money. The house can be built in such a way that in the future, when a person has a need and opportunities, the client can (For example: after 5 years) make a new calculation, install elements simply by ordering additional elements from us, increasing the usable area for living. Thus, the client saves money on rental housing.

    2.4 Plot size

    A particularly important and positive aspect of our concept is that the client can purchase a plot of land, the purpose of which does not have to be residential land. If you are looking at your future in the long term by installing a durable concrete mini house to live in, the size of the land plot can be reasonably minimal. Initially, you can purchase a piece of land together with a friend, colleague, partner or other person by entering into a land division agreement between you. In the future, if there is an opportunity to buy a larger plot of land, then it is possible to move the house to another place. However, if the size of the house has increased so that it is not possible to transport it immediately, then it is possible to move the house in parts. A special trailer has been developed for transporting the house.

    2.5 Specific of personal adjustments

    If you have special requests for the installation site, then you should look at paragraph 3. Places of installation. If you want to install this structure in a hard-to-reach place, for example in a forest, then this is also possible. Since the assembly of the house is carried out quickly and completely by hand.

  • 3. Installation locations

    Considering that the concrete mini-house does not need a foundation, the service life of the product is very long, any harder ground in the forest is suitable for installation, even on a sandy surface by the sea. It is enough to install logs as a basis. Given the requirements arising from the law on the intended use of land, there are no restrictions on small buildings or temporary buildings. One of the advantages of a concrete mini-house is its weight of 11 tons. It should also be remembered that building a mini-house does not require specialist builders. It is also important to look at point 4. Installation time

    3.1 The key advantage is the ability to raise the mini house with jacks at any time

    3.2 Depending on the installation location, the mini-house can be transported both disassembled and assembled.

    3.3 Installation anywhere with solid ground where it is possible to deliver concrete elements. Transporting concrete elements can be difficult, but it is quite possible.

    • In a forest that cannot be entered by truck. The elements can be transported either on an ATV or on a specially designed two-person hand trailer.
    • To the mountains, which are difficult to reach due to the nature of the landscape.
    • Flatland that cannot be reached by truck due to the softness of the ground.
    • To a pond or open water where, by law, a house cannot be built with a permanent foundation.

  • 4. Installation (assebmly) time

    Depending on the place of installation (see point 3), it is necessary to distinguish the time of delivery of elements to their destination and the time of assembly of existing elements. In this chapter, we will explain about assembly. It should be kept in mind that we calculate the time for a mini-house with the square of ​​​​20 m2, with two people according to the schemes, a manual lift and special scaffolding are used. Below are the main sources of time requirements. Possibly another working day for two people will be needed.

    4.1 The condition is that the elements are laid out in accordance with the instructions that are included with the purchase of the mini-house.

    4.2 Multi-step installation:

    • 4.2.1 Preparation of the site for the installation of a metal base = 3 hours
    • 4.2.2 Installation of the metal frame of the base and their fixing = 1 hour
    • 4.2.3 Placement of concrete elements in the bearing base their sealing and bolting (see gallery) = 2 hours
    • 4.2.4 Installation of the first row of concrete wall elements and their bolting, as well as installation of metal binders for the second row of concrete elements and their sealing (see gallery) = 2 hours
    • 4.2.5 Considering that in a standard mini-house there are three rows of concrete elements, the installation of one row takes about 1.5 hours
    • 4.2.6 Installation of beams inside the building to fix the upper part of the house = 1.5 hours
    • 4.2.7 Triangle under the roof, installation of reinforced concrete elements in both walls and their sealing = 1.5 hours
    • 4.2.8 Installation of 12 roof elements and their sealing = 6 hours
    • 4.2.9 Installation of wall insulation elements = 2 hours
    • 4.2.10 Installation of internal insulated floor = 1 hour
    • 4.2.11 Installation of windows and doors = 2 hours
    • 4.2.12 Installation of elements for forming an attic (see 4.2.6) = 2 hours
    • 4.2.13 Installing the toilet and shower enclosure and installing the outlet pipe 3 hours

  • 5. Design options

    Considering that the wishes of people can be very different, even those that were not immediately noticed when developing the concept of our mini-house made of concrete elements, it was necessary to apply maximum flexibility. Below are the main arguments:

    • 5.1 When installing, the customer usually wants to start with an area of ​​20 m2
    • 5.2 The client can always increase the footage
    • 5.3 The client can change the shape of the house when enlarged
    • 5.4 The client wants that when expanding the house, the angles were not only 90 degrees, but also 45 degrees and even other options
    • 5.5 The client wants the roof to be concrete
    • 5.6 The client does not want to be limited to a wall height of 2.7 meters and have a gable roof but can have a wall height of 4.5 meters and a shed roof
    • 5.7 The width of the mini house is not limited to 3 meters, and has several rooms
  • 6. Income - active / passive

    Our goal is not just to sell the product to the buyer, benefiting only ourselves, but we also thought out how the client can benefit. Main arguments:

    • 6.1 The client can install a concrete mini-house with all amenities on the site where he lives and rent it out for daily or long-term rent.
    • 6.2 The customer can now use Air B&B or But soon we will create a similar online environment that our customers will be able to use for free.
    • 6.3 Mini-house can be purchased in a leasing agreement. By purchasing a land plot, the client can make his own calculations and start his own business.
    • 6.4 The mini house can be quickly and easily transformed for other purposes.
    • 6.5 Given that a concrete mini-house creates increased security, valuables can be kept in it. It is suitable for small business purposes - shoemaker, hairdresser, etc.
    • 6.6 When calculating passive income, the life of the product and the cost of its maintenance are extremely important.
    • 6.6.1 The service life of a concrete mini-house with relatively careless use is expected to be at least 50 years.
    • 6.6.2 Seasonal accommodation services may be offered. in different natural environments.
  • 7. How else can you use it?

    The components of the elements are created with such practicality that it makes it possible not to be limited to the construction of a mini-house, but to be used in other directions, for example:

    • Prefabricated fences: fences, obstacles, etc.
    • Training grounds: labyrinths, etc.
    • Extensions to the existing house
    • Garages
    • Warehouses
    • Grave fences
  • 8. Legality

    Ehitusseadus § 15₁ . Ajutine ehitis

    Ajutine ehitis on piiratud ajavahemikuks, kuid mitte kauemaks kui viieks aastaks ehitatud ehitis. Ajutise ehitise ehitamise korral määrab kohalik omavalitsus ehitise kasutamise aja kirjalikus nõusolekus, ehitusloas või kasutusloas.

    Ehitusseadus § 16. Kirjalik nõusolek

    (1) Kohaliku omavalitsuse kirjalik nõusolek on nõutav, kui: 1) ehitatakse väikeehitist, mille ehitisealune pind on 20–60 m2

    Ehitusseadus § 12. Ehitamisele esitatavad nõuded

    (1) Ehitada tuleb vastavalt ehitusprojektile, välja arvatud käesolevas seaduses ettenähtud juhtudel väikeehitise ehitamise korral. Ehitamisel tuleb vältida ehitamise kahjulikke mõjusid naaberehitisele, ümbrusele ja teistele isikutele.

    Ehitusseadus § 15. Väikeehitis

    (1) Väikeehitis käesoleva seaduse tähenduses on: 1) kuni 60 m ehitisealuse pinnaga ühel kinnistul asuv ehitis, mille projekteeritud kõrgus maapinnast on kuni viis meetrit ja millel ei ole avalikkusele suunatud funktsioone;

About the producer

Ginex Corporation

Our team consists of local Estonian freelancers who know no bounds of what is possible - they are experts in their field.

Members of our team will never say - 'It's impossible.'

If the client has an impossible task, then together we will realize the plan.

In the current realities, our developments are implemented with the participation of investors.

Why us?


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